Prompt Management made easy for teams of all sizes

Manage your prompts by creating repositories, branches, and commits. Use our API to retrieve your most updated changes automatically

Built for companies of all sizes

Start simplifying your prompt management or book a personal demo.

How it works

Prompt versioning made easy. Git-like for AI prompts

Create a repository for your prompts

Set up a dedicated repository for your prompts. Manage and iterate your prompts with full transparency and control. You can categorize prompts in a repository or create one repository for one prompt, the choice is yours. A default branch is automatically created for the repository. You can create additional branches for your prompts to experiment with

We recommend creating a branch for each experiment or use case or replicating your Git branches (main, dev, feature, etc.)

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Create repository

Create your first prompt

Set up a name and description for your prompt. This prompt will be created in the branch you selected. You can create multiple prompts in the same branch. Prompts have a 'version', which you can update as you iterate on your prompt. You can also add a description to your prompt to give context to your team.

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Create prompts

Build & Edit your prompt in our playground, create test cases and success criteria

Build your prompt and test using different models. You can create test cases to prevent manual testing of quality of your prompts. Add variables in each test cases to test different scenarios. You can build as many test cases as you'd like and run them in parallel

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Edit prompt and test

Commit your prompt and test cases

Commit your prompt with a version tag so you can look at the history and compare changes. Also create a commit message for you to undeerstand your own commits in the future. Use our prompt history and easily revert to another version

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Commiting llm prompts for prompt versioning

Release your prompts to different branches

If you have multiple branches, say test branch, and a main branch, you can use our release feature to make 'merges'/'pull requests' and sync the commits to the intended branch

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Releasing LLM Prompts

Get instant updates by retrieving your prompts through our API

Use our free and quick API and your own API key to retrieve your most updated prompts. Each branch has their own API endpoint and you can get instant updates to your applications

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Testing LLM Prompts

Worry less about prompt management and changes

Utilize our sophisticated prompt versioning tools to ensure your AI development is always on the cutting edge. Manage and iterate your prompts with full transparency and control.

Intuitive Prompt Repositories

Efficient Branching for Safe Experimentation

Seamless Commits for Rapid Updates

Start for free